Detailing Car Care
We sparkly clean your car wherever you are located.

My Role and Responsibilities

The Detailing Car Care website has been created as a staging site/template where I focused on building an informative site, with the option to request valeting services by completing a form directed to the business owner.

Project details and Research

The Detailing Car Care website is the perfect combination of clear information and uniquely emphasising the services offered. The website is a prototype that can be used by any business interested in showcasing the delivery of best services wherever the client is located.

The name of website and the business' services can be tailored as required.

Creating the website

Below can be seen screenshots of the website, but the full website can be accessed by clicking the 'VIEW LIVE' button.

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As I have a passion for creating unique websites, the Detailing Car Care site showcases an interactive front page with clients' cars, more visual appealing than your usual lifeless page, as a purpose to highlight the business personality.