The Yappy Ever After website was such a fun project, as it came closer to home - I love animals and I own a dog myself! I have created the website myself and came up with all the ideas. I have done the research and even though I have a personal experience to it, I have tried to overcome the bias in creating the design and the website overall from an objective point of view.
The Yappy Ever After website is an amazing project for dog lovers. The owner, Sarah, is very passionate about her business and wanted to project that into the site for dog lovers to see. The site would display that in a fun, creative way where handmade dog accessories can be bought, training sessions can be booked or dogs can be home boarded for holidays.
I have started by doing general research around dog owners. I have been to multiple puppy parties with my own puppy started conversing with dog owners.
After multiple interviews, it was clear that dog owners would do everything for their pooches as any other member of their family. The users of website would like to see a happy and fun format, full of joy and functional. The main focus was to be able to book training sessions and dog parties from one place. They would be able to send payment for sessions and also buy any handmade dog accessories they need. Another pain point of dog owners is the anxiety around travelling and safety of their pooches. The fact that there are qualified dog walkers and dog behaviourists who would take care of them, it gives the reassurance they need.
Below I have added images of the finished design that include pages of services, the accessories shop, dog walking & home boarding page and the 'About' page.
The website can be accessed by clicking the 'View live' button.
As a side note, the website has been modified by owner since above description.
The Yappy Ever After website was a fun project and has given me the opportunity to meet many other pet owners and pooches (as a plus for my own dog who made lots of friends). During my research, I have learnt that it is a big responsibility to provide all the information about pets to keep them and other animals safe. The website needed to be built in a way that pet owners are informed about my client and her team, can built trust in them, but also create a relationship and continuous communication.